All event data, up to date, in one place

You’ll have access to all event and student-athlete information at your fingertips, making it easy to take notes and evaluate who's a good fit for your collegiate program.

Event Directory

Event Directory

Find upcoming events to attend that include athletes who are interested in your program and/or on your favorites list.

Game Schedule

Game Schedules

See event game schedules and easily identify which games your favorited student-athletes are competing in.

Download event

No Internet? No Problem!

Save events before game day to access schedules and evaluate athletes offline. We'll upload your evaluations once you're back online.

Start recruiting with EventBeacon today.

Access is free for all college coaches. Get started now.

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Scouting on the sideline has never been easier

With EventBeacon, complete student-athlete information is at your fingertips. Evaluate athletes based on their athletic skills and academic information, see who's interested in your program and focus your time on the prospects that fit your program.

Athlete Profile

Info for Every Athlete

Access every student-athlete attending an event and see their full profile, including video, athletic and academic information, right from the sidelines.

Evaluation Mode

Athlete Evaluations

Quickly rate athletes and take notes. Evaluation histories are saved for you and your staff to keep track of recruits' performance across events.


Manage Your "Watch List"

Keep your prospect list organized with tools that indicate who's interested in your program and allow you to categorize fits in one click.

Do you run recruiting events?

Enhance the experience of your event for college coaches by allowing them to access your event rosters, game schedule, and complete student-athlete profiles from their phone or tablet.

Bring Your Evaluations to Any CRM

Export your evaluated athletes, including all of their information, star ratings and notes, for upload to your CRM of choice and share with your coaching staff so you can all make decisions together.

CRM Upload

Ready to find your next recruit?

Download EventBeacon
Download from the App Store or Google Play. Sign up for an EventBeacon account with your college or university issued email address ending with .edu.
Download the event you’re attending
Download event data for offline use before arriving on site to have access to schedules and athlete profiles even if you don't have internet access.
Evaluate athletes from the sideline
Combine watching the action live with student-athlete stats and academic information to evaluate athletes easily in real-time and share evaluations with your coaching staff.
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